Google Ads add-on for Google Sheets
Download Google Ads data to Google Sheets.
This Google Sheets add-on helps you view and edit Google Ads data more easily in Google Sheets.
- Easy to use report configurator.
- Schedule your reports to automatically refresh (up to hourly).
- Receive an email when your report is ready.
- Edit report configurations with the sidebar or in the sheet.
Try for free
You can use this Google Ads add-on for Google Sheets free of charge for 14 days. In order to continue using it beyond the trial period, please subscribe.
Install the Google Sheets add-on
To use the Google Ads add-on, you must first add it to your spreadsheet. The following instructions will guide you through the process:
- Create a new Google spreadsheet (or open an existing one).
- In the menu bar choose: Extensions > Add-ons > Get add-ons
- Find the “Google Ads™ reporting by Adformatic” add-on in the add-on gallery and select it.
- On the add-on description page, click install in the top right corner to add this add-on to your spreadsheet.
- A dialog should appear asking for permission for the add-on to access your Google Ads data. Click on "Allow".
- The add-on is now installed. The "Google Ads™ reporting by Adformatic" submenu should now appear in the Extensions menu.
You can also go directly to the add-on in the Google Workspace Marketplace. Here you can install the add-on. The add-on is then available in every Google Spreadsheet under "Extensions".
Create Google Ads reports
Reports can be created manually in the configuration sheet or using the add-ons sidebar. To use the sidebar, select "Extensions'' > "Google Ads™ reporting by Adformatic" > "Create report" in the menu bar.
This will display a sidebar on the right side with which you can easily create a report configuration. The sidebar helps with the following:
- Look up Google Ads account information.
- Selecting fields, segments and metrics.
- Apply filters.
- Determine the sorting of the report.
When you are done, click on the button "Add report to sheet" and your report configuration will appear in the sheet called “Google Ads report configuration” (if this sheet does not already exist, it will be created).
You can go through these steps again to add another Google Ads report. You can also copy the information in the sheet to a new column and edit it in the sheet.
Not all cells are filled by the sidebar. The fields that are not filled by the sidebar can be entered in the sheet.
Edit Google Ads reports
There are two ways to edit reports after you create them:
- Through the add-on menu, you can select 'Manage reports'. A sidebar will open with a list of the reports currently in your sheet. You can click the edit option for the report you wish to edit and the sidebar will display your current report configuration. You can make adjustments in the sidebar and save the report configuration to the sheet.
- Another option is to edit the report configuration directly in the sheet.
Delete Google Ads reports
There are two ways to edit reports after you create them:
- Through the add-on menu, you can select 'Manage reports'. A sidebar will open with a list of the reports currently in your sheet. You can click the delete option for the report you wish to delete. After you confirm your intention to delete the report, the report configuration will be removed from your sheet.
- Another option is to delete the report configuration directly in the sheet.
Run reports
Go to "Extensions" > "Google Ads™ reporting by Adformatic" > "Run reports" in the menu to run all the reports you have created.
Schedule reports to run automatically
Reports can be scheduled to run automatically. To do this, go to "Extensions" > "Google Ads™ reporting by Adformatic" > "Set schedule".
A dialog will open in which you can indicate three things:
- Turning a schedule on and off.
- Choose the frequency, day and time.
- Set whether you want to receive an email if the execution of a report fails.
If you also set alerts, then these will run on the same schedule. While both, reporting and alerts, can be run in one spreadsheet, using separate spreadsheets is recommended.
The schedule uses the time zone of the spreadsheet. To update the time zone got to: "File" > "Settings" in the Google Sheets menu. If no time zone is set the schedule uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If you change the time zone, you will have to set the schedule again to use the new time zone.
Report configuration options
Option | Required | Description |
Report name | Yes | The name you give to the report. The name must be unique. If the name is not unique, a sequence number is automatically added to make it unique. The report name is also the name of the sheet to which the data is written. |
Login ID | The ID of the Google Ads account you are logged in with. This can be a Google Ads account or manager account. Please enter the id in this format: XXX-XXX-XXXX. | |
Customer id | Yes | The ID of the Google Ads account. You can use the sidebar to find out the id. You can also find the ID in the Google Ads UI. Please enter the id in this format: XXX-XXX-XXXX. |
Customer name | The name of the Google Ads account. The account name is filled in by the sidebar. If you enter a report configuration directly to the sheet and leave the account name empty. it will be fetched on the first run of the report. | |
Start date | Yes | The start date for retrieving Google Ads data. You can specify a specific start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD or as a relative date. Options for specifying a relative date:
You can also use the date functions of Google Sheets to specify this value programmatically. For example, the following expression returns the last day of the previous month: =EOMONTH(TODAY(), -1) |
End date | Yes | The end date for retrieving Google Ads data. You can specify a specific end date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD or as a relative date. Options for specifying a relative date:
You can also use the date functions of Google Sheets to specify this value programmatically. For example, the following expression returns the last day of the previous month: =EOMONTH(TODAY(), -1) |
Compare start date | This is the start date of the date range you want to compare your Google Ads data with. You can specify a specific date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD or as a relative date. Options for specifying a relative date:
You can also use the date functions of Google Sheets to specify this value programmatically. For example, the following expression returns the last day of the previous month: =EOMONTH(TODAY(), -1) | |
Compare end date | This is the end date of the date range you want to compare your Google Ads data with. You can specify a specific date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD or as a relative date. Options for specifying a relative date:
You can also use the date functions of Google Sheets to specify this value programmatically. For example, the following expression returns the last day of the previous month: =EOMONTH(TODAY(), -1) | |
Report type | Yes | Here you can define the report type. This is the 'FROM' part of the GAQL query send to the Google Ads API. You can choose any report type listed here: |
Columns | Yes | The columns are all the fields, segments and metrics for your report. This is the 'SELECT' part of the GAQL query send to the Google Ads API. You can use the sidebar to select the columns, or enter the columns directly in the configuration sheet. You can also use the Google Ads API documentation or the Google Ads Query Builder to get the right column names. |
Filters | The filters allows you to limit the data returned from Google Ads. This is the 'WHERE' part of the GAQL query send to the Google Ads API. You can use the sidebar to add the filters, or add the filters directly in the configuration sheet. You can use the Google Ads API documentation or the Google Ads Query Builder to add the filters directly to the sheet. | |
Sort | The sort option allows you to determine in which order the rows are returned. This is the 'ORDER BY' part of the GAQL query send to the Google Ads API. You can use the sidebar to add the sorting, or add the sorting directly in the configuration sheet. You can use the Google Ads API documentation or the Google Ads Query Builder to add the sorting directly to the sheet. | |
Limit | The maximum number of rows for the report. If this parameter is left empty, all rows are shown. | |
Email addresses | The email addresses to which this report should be sent. The report is only sent if the report contains at least 1 row of data. Leave this field blank to not send the report. | |
Hide report Header | By default, extra information and the totals are shown above the report. Set the value to "TRUE" to hide this report header. The report then starts at row 1. | |
First column | By default, the report data begins in the first column. However, you can alter this by specifying a different starting column number, such as 3, for the report to begin in column 3. | |
Disable formatting | The report data is automatically styled for easy reading in Google Sheets, including currency symbols and thousand separators. To disable this feature, set the value to "TRUE". | |
Skip report | If TRUE, the report in the corresponding column is not executed. | |
Last update on | This is a read only field. This field is filled by the add-on, so you can easily when a report was last updated. |
Overview available relative dates
Relative dates:
- XdaysAgo (X is a positive integer, for example 7daysAgo)
- today
- yesterday
- mondayThisWeek
- lastSunday
- sundayLastWeek
- mondayLastWeek
- fridayLastWeek
- saturdayLastWeek
- sunday2WeekAgo
- monday2WeekAgo
- friday2WeekAgo
- saturday2WeekAgo
- firstDayThisMonth
- firstDayLastMonth
- lastDayLastMonth
- thisDayLastMonth
- firstDay2MonthsAgo
- lastDay2MonthsAgo
- firstDayThisYear
Relative dates last year
- XdaysAgoLastYear (X is a positive integer, for example 7daysAgoLastYear)
- sundayLastWeekLastYear
- mondayLastWeekLastYear
- fridayLastWeekLastYear
- saturdayLastWeekLastYear
- firstDayThisMonthLastYear
- lastDayThisMonthLastYear
- firstDayLastMonthLastYear
- lastDayLastMonthLastYear
- firstDayLastYear
Performance Max reports
Although all available data for Performance Max campaigns can be retrieved in the standard reports, finding the specific data you need can be challenging and, in some cases, may involve multiple steps and some spreadsheet skills.
For this reason, we have created some predefined PMax reports that you might find useful.
To access the PMax reports, navigate to the add-on menu and select "Extensions" > "Google Ads™ reporting by Adformatic" > "Performance Max reports".
At the moment there are 3 PMax reports available:
- PMax allocation
- PMax search category label
- PMax product performance
PMax allocation: This report estimates the cost, conversion, and conversions value distribution for Performance Max campaigns by combining various reports, as Google does not provide this data directly. Shopping data is derived from the 'asset_group_product_group_view' report. Video costs are calculated by multiplying the cost per view with the number of views, and conversions and conversions value are based on interactions with 'Video' assets. Display data is based on interactions with 'Marketing' assets. 'Search/other' includes all other costs, conversions and conversions value.
PMax search category label: This report displays the performance of all search category labels (keywords) across all Performance Max campaigns. Adjust the lookback period to fetch data for a longer or shorter duration.
PMax product performance: This report will show product performance data from all Performance Max campaigns. Adjust the lookback period to fetch data for a longer or shorter duration.
These reports will provide you with the raw data, which is easy to analyze and simple to connect to a Looker Studio Dashboard.
It is advisable to run these reports in a separate spreadsheet. Some reports may require longer processing time and generate numerous rows. If an account is too large, consider dividing the PMax reports across several spreadsheets.
Google Ads alerts
This add-on provides a collection of pre-defined, but customizable, Google Ads alerts. To access them, navigate to the add-on menu and select "Extensions" > "Google Ads™ reporting by Adformatic" > "Alerts". A sidebar will open to guide you through the setup process.
These alerts are currently available:
- Monthly budget alert: Checks this months spend until yesterday against the budget available until yesteday. A budget state is calculated and an alert is sent if the difference becomes too great. You can set the tresholds yourself.
- No conversions alert: Checks how many days ago the last conversion (included in the conversions column) occured. An alert is sent if the number of days is above the threshold.
- No Impressions Alert: Checks how many hours ago the last impression occurred. An alert is sent if the number of hours exceeds the threshold.
- Account performance alert: Checks yesterdays account performance for clicks, cost and conversions. It compares yesterdays performance with the average performance on the same weekday in the previous weeks. An alert is sent if the deviation is above the threshold.
Configure the schedule to run checks every morning and get email notifications for any detected issues. You can easily set the alerts for multiple accounts.
Since alerts and reports share the same schedule, it's advisable to use a separate spreadsheet for setting up alerts. This way they can both run on their own schedule.
Google Ads audit
This Google Sheets add-on assists with auditing Google Ads accounts. It enables you to quickly scan any of your Google Ads accounts for common mistakes and performance opportunities.
Health check
The health check currently offers these checks:
- Campaigns without ad groups
- Ad groups without responsive search ads
- Number of ads under limit
- Ad groups without keywords
- Ad groups without targeting
- Keywords with BMM
- Disapproved extensions
- Disapproved ads ( sorted by disapproval reason)
- Extensions under limit
The add-on performs the checks and writes the results to a Google Sheet.
Performance opportunities
The performance opportunities currently offer these checks:
- Negative search terms
- Positive search terms
- Negative Shopping products
- Campaigns limited by budget
- Lost conversions
The add-on performs the checks and writes the results to a Google Sheet.
You can easily create a summary of the Health check and performance check results. This creates a new sheet which lists the results of all executed checks. The summary shows the number of results found per check and includes a link to the checks sheet.

For more information please visit our terms and conditions and privacy policy.
Questions and feature requests
If you have a question or a feature request. Please contact us.